
Tag Archives: hello kitty

What is this ExRezCorsets on Etsy you speak of?

If you haven’t gotten hooked on , you’re missing out. This is an online sellers website, sort of an ebay for the artisans and crafters, but without the bidding. The work runs the gamut in quality and price, but if you have an excuse to start shopping or planning something, like a new baby, […]

Beat the Winter Blues with Apnea and Lithium Picnic!!

Go here, NOW, to see my newest creation for the cause:

Where to buy my CORSETS for HALLOWEEN

It’s too late to custom order a corset from me for Halloween, but if you live in southern California, guess what!!! The Pleasure Chest in Santa Monica stocks my underbusts. Please visit them…….. they have plenty of other things there, including a cute Corset Shaped bag, “The Shag Bag,” in pink or black. How can […]

Corsets as Limited Editions

Have you checked out our Limited Edition Corsets?!! They are going fast……….. Signed and numbered by owner and designer, Simone, only 5 of each will be constructed. Of course, Blue Kitty is especially popular. The Pink and Black Star was featured on Jeffree Star’s bod on L.A.’s Frontiers magazine. The Old Skool Tattoo Corset is […]