
Threshold’s Bizarre Bazaar will be at Boardner’s/ Bar Sinister!

Save the date: NOVEMBER 15.

That’s a Sunday, here in Los Angeles.

I have been a regular vendor at Threshold’s Bizarre Bazaar, , for a few years now and I’m thrilled that they’ve acquired Boardner’s bar as the venue. This is the home of long-running L.A. club, “Bar Sinister,” , every Saturday night in the heart of Hollywood. This is a beautiful historic setting with a rich history and a freak-friendly vibe.

$10/ 18+

1652 N. Cherokee

Hollywood, CA 90028

just south of Hollywood Blvd……east of Highland….

Come find me for a custom fitting or grab something luscious off my rack : )
I will be taking measurements and deposits for custom corset creations and guaranteeing shipping before the end of year Christmas/Holiday/New Year’s parties.

This is your chance to see my in person, let me create your dream corset, and give you a great Economic UpTurn Holiday Shopping Discount!
Contact me ahead of time!!


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