
Tag Archives: Bondage Ball

Naughty Sexy Maggie Simpson, Halloween 2007

This is a little experiment… heehee! Photographer Tommy O’s photo of Naughty Maggie Simpson at Halloween Bondage Ball 2007. Exquisite Restraint does a bit more than just corsets… but no one knows that unless we tell you. Let’s see if these great pics of Naughty Maggie Simpson get out there! I’m miffed that after 2 […]

Photo o’ the Week- The Darkman

Donna Ricci at Bondage Ball, July 2007. Donna, and purveyor of Wicked Talent Models,, modeled for my fashion show. Larry Darkman set up and took lovely portaits. Photo copyright by Larry Darkman and used with permission.

We can’t back out Now! BONDAGE BALL!!!

Vena has been interviewed by Eros Zine concerning the next Bondage Ball, July 3rd and Exquisite Restraint got a big old mention! So it’s official. I will be vending corsets and bringing some creations to dress models with a “Kiss My Free Speech” theme. I can’t wait! Kisses to Vena!